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Introduction & Help

Welcome to the portal for the new Onboarding & Screening System

  1. Start by watching the introduction and tutorial videos below.
  2. Try a practice candidate application using one of your own links.
    (Please use a private/incognito window and a different email, otherwise the form will know you are a Consultant.)
  3. Keep an eye on your test application in the portal as you complete each form, (see the applications list below this Help box). This way, you can see the journey from both sides of the system.
  4. Leave us feedback using the Feedback tab in the bottom right of all the screens (see the second video below, on how to use this).
  5. You can download individual PDFs of the forms removed from the Application process (just for this Phase 1) at this link here.

1) Start here…

2) How to feedback

3) Portal Orientation

4) Applications